Sunday, December 5, 2010

Giant Panda QuickFacts

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Order: Carnivora
Family: Ursidae
Genus: Ailuropoda
Species: Melanoleuca

Habitat: Mountain ranges in central China, in the Sichuan, Shaanxi, and Gansu provinces. (No longer in lowland areas due to farming, forest clearing, and other human development.) Broadleaf/coniferous forests with bamboo understory. These areas are often under heavy cloud cover and are characterized by torrential rains or dense mist.

Physical Characteristics: Black-and-white bear; black fur on ears, around eyes, muzzle, legs, and shoulders (the rest is white). Have large molar teeth and strong jaw muscles for crushing bamboo. About the size of an American black bear; reach four to six feet in length. Males larger than females at 250 lbs in the wild. Females will reach 220 lbs at most.  

Life Span/Reproduction: 14 to 20 years in the wild; up to 30 in captivity. Mature at 6-7 years for males, 4-5 for females. Average "pregnancy" approximately 135 days. 1-2 cubs are born at a time at about 4 ounces. The cubs are born completely pink, with a light covering of white hair; eyes are closed and they weigh 120-175 g and are approximately 15 cm long. Dark patches appear around eyes/ears after a week; followed by legs and backs. Eyes open around 1 month; crawling at 3-4 months.

Diet: 99% bamboo; other grasses, some small rodents/musk deer fawns. Bamboo/sugar cane/rice gruel/high-fiber biscuit/carrots/apples/sweet potatoes in zoos. Typically eat half the day (12/24 hours); takes in 28 lbs bamboo.

Lifestyle/Social Structure: Rests, feeds, looks for food for most of the day. Does not hibernate. Solitary; communication through scent marks/calls/meetings. Cubs stay with mothers for 1-3.5 years. 

Fun Facts: Can bleat, roar, growl, honk. Technically are carnivores, but eat as omnivores. Very flexible, like to do somersaults. Often seen eating in a relaxed sitting posture. Skilled tree-climbers/swimmers.

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